Add a FREE scanner to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder!

I have been working on a solution for this for quite some time now. Many of you have messaged me and emailed me asking for a scanner. I have been talking to a developer about remaking the app, but miraculously last night I found an easy fix!
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There are several scanner apps that have the capability of adding a keyboard scanner to your phone.  I do not know if there is a similar app for Apple products.  This is for Android:
Ucom Free Barcode Scanner.

If someone finds a good one in the iTunes store, please let me know, so I can share!

The first one I tried was a free demo, and then cost $3.99 if you didn’t want the random popup saying “buy the full version” … I actually tried that one, but the scanner wasn’t very good. I found another (the one I am using now), it is free and it works great!

I want you all to remember that I cannot update the app on my own, especially when we get clothing where there are thousands of different UPC’s. I really need the help of each and every one of you! When you find an item that is not in the app and it’s a penny, PLEASE go to the bottom tab and hit “share your finds” take a picture and scan in the barcode! It’s really that simple!

Okay, with that said, it looks like green dot as well as lawn and garden may be resetting, but right now it’s resetting back to 90% and not full price. We don’t know for certain if they will go back to full price or stay at 90%. I am removing these categories from the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder until we figure out what is happening.

The penny list will be posted in a bit!  So, check back later!  Yay!

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I have a support ticket in that the 2 albums “brag on” and “livealbum” are not accepting pictures.  You can still use the “share your finds” tab though to send us pennies not in the app.

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