Aloe Vera Gel in stock!

Before I post about the Aloe Vera Gel being in stock, I want to explain that I am not trying to overhype the Coronavirus (Covid-19).  It seems though, that a lot of places are selling out of hand sanitizer and the items used to make your own hand sanitizer.

So, I am trying to keep up and find in stock items for those who are looking for them.  The coronavirus is real, just as the flu is real.  We are going through flu season now.  It is always best to wash your hands with warm water and soap, but sometimes we do not have access, so hand sanitizer is an option for those times.

The World Health Organization has more information on the coronavirus:

Coronavirus or Covid-19

Back to the Aloe Vera Gel  being in stock:

The 2-pack and 3-pack show in stock for me.  I ordered a 3-pack.  I use aloe all the time and most likely not going to be using it to make hand sanitizer.  It is good for your skin.  People running out and buying these items just for resale are directly affecting people who purchase these items.  Please don’t be one of these people.

Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera

I find that clear aloe vera gel is hard to find in my area anyway.  I can always find the green stuff … but I am sure there are additives to make it that color.  I used to buy this Fruit of the Earth brand at Dollar General, but they discontinued it a while back.

My order did not show that this could ship to the store, it may in some areas.  I put in a $35 with other items that I needed to get to the $35 limit to get free shipping.

If you want to make your own hand sanitizer, there is an article in USA Today that has recipes from good sources.

Hand Sanitizer Shortage

Happy shopping!