Better than sending a card … send a cookie for only $5 shipped. (or free shipping on almost anything on their site!)

Cards are terribly expensive anymore and most of them end up in the trash, unless you are giving it to someone who is crafty and reuses it.  Why not send an owl cookie instead?   For only $5 and postage paid, you get get a cookie that comes with a $5 off coupon for their next order.

Send a Fall Owl Cookie & Gift Card for only $5 delivered from!

If you are not fond of the owl, just look under the tab by price and click the under $25, you will see other cookie cards for $5 as well as little cakes for $10 … and the shipping is included in those too!

If you have your eye on something else, you can get free shipping on almost any item with code FRSHIP.  The code expires on Oct 26.


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