Campbell’s Chunky Soup stock up at just a little over $1 a can!

When I say, stock up, that’s what I mean, you need to buy 21 cans for this deal!
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UPDATE:  This deal is over.  The code CELEBRATE was only good yesterday.  Awesome for those of you who got in!

Winter is will be here soon, take advantage of this deal to stock up on Campbell’s Chunky Soup now!

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Head on over to and put 21 cans of Chunky Soup in your shopping cart. They are $1.95 each with a sale going on for buy 2 and get 1 free.

Your cart subtotal will be $40.95 – which will give you free shipping with code FREESHIP, plus you get the discount for the free cans. Then add code CELEBRATE to take an extra 20% off. Your total will be $21.84 for 21 cans shipped to your door! You may have to pay sales tax – food isn’t taxed in my state.

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