Amazon Prime members $49 for the Kindle plus 15% off select accessories if you buy 2!
Kindle, 6″ Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi – Includes Special Offers Only $49, plus you can get an exta 15% off
Continue readingKindle, 6″ Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi – Includes Special Offers Only $49, plus you can get an exta 15% off
Continue readingTake the pledge to help create a bully-free nation and they will send you a free poster and pin! Let everyone
Continue readingLast chance to get in on the free 30 day trial for Amazon Prime to be ready for tomorrow’s deals!
Continue readingAmazon is devoting deals on July 15th to Prime Members! They are even claiming “more deals than Black Friday”! Only
Continue readingAll Detergent is on sale 2/$6.99 this week at CVS – plus they are giving $2 in Extrabucks when you
Continue readingI just got back from our local Walmart about an hour ago and they had a bunch of clothing racks
Continue readingClearance toys are an extra 75% off this week! Shop early for the best selection! There are also clearance deals
Continue readingKmart has been having their double coupon promotion all week and tomorrow will be the last day. Although I can
Continue readingHead on over and request your free sample watercolors from Mijello! You will receive a 2 color sample pack! Mijello
Continue readingFree sample of Playtex sports pads, liners, and tampons are available to order. Free Playtex Sample I’ve said it before
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