Consider small-business shopping for the Holidays

I realize you can’t purchase everything on your Christmas (or other holiday) list from small-businesses, but you most likely CAN on some items … why not buy someone you love a unique handmade gift this year and help out a person … not a corporation.

Shopping “small” should not only be during the holiday season though, consider it for birthdays and other gift-giving opportunities.

I purchased (for myself) a really nice knit pair of mittens from Designs by Denice.  These would make nice gifts for just about anyone on your list.  She is a little backed up on orders right now, but if you can knit, she sells the pattern on Ravelry too.

Designs by Denice

Ravelry Loose Fitted Mitts

These ones are mine!  I just got them in the mail today.

Don’t you just love them?!!

There are many small businesses out there that are local to you too.  Consider buying from a crafter, an artist, or a small-business this year.

Happy shopping!