Coupon misuse … no, this is called FRAUD!

A coupon is money given to you by a company for use on their “select” product(s) but with TERMS.  These terms are  how the coupon is supposed to be used.

One terms you may see “one coupon per purchase” this means one coupon per item.  Some cashier mistake this to mean that you can only use one coupon even if you have 2 items.

Another term you may see is “Limit 4 like coupons per person per day”.  This may vary or be altogether left off of a coupon.  The company does not want just ONE person buying all of their product, they want it to be there for others.  Also, they may want to limit just how  much you can save on their product.  Companies are out there to make  money … not just give everything away.  Some cashiers will let you do multiple transactions to use more coupons.  Some cashiers will take any coupon as long as it goes through.  Coupon misuse will never go away until stores teach their cashiers about correct coupon use.  Are you going to get arrested for using 8 coupons in a day instead of 4, I doubt it.  But you could get arrested if you are blatantly using coupons on the wrong items.

Anyway …

Enough with the terms … I want to move on to what this post is about – FRAUD.  I see so many people being taught that this type of couponing is okay.  And, even coupon sellers telling people that they can use them this way to get overage.

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For example, the latest XYZAL $8 off coupon supposedly works at Walmart on a 97¢ Gold Bond Powder.  So, these couponers are using the XYZAL money to buy a different company’s product AND giving overage of over $7.  How can anyone justify this?  You are stealing from this company.  So what happens if the company that issued the coupon refused to pay because the terms weren’t followed?  Well, then you are stealing from Walmart in this case.

Companies give out coupons because they want consumers to try their products.

Let’s put it in terms that you might understand.  What if you gave someone a $5 off $10 or more coupon to use on jewelry at your yard sale … but they handed the coupon to your husband and said it’s $5 off and I have $5 worth of stuff – and  he accepts it as payment without the $10 minimum.   Well, you are out $5 worth of stuff and made nothing … you just gave it away.  What if they came back and did this 10 times  – and now you are out $50 and still have made no money.  What if they go down the street and use the coupon at another yard sale?  You issued the coupon, the other yardsale says YOU need to pay the $5 that they lost for the person using that coupon.  Now you are paying for another person’s yardsale … and still have not sold anything.  What if that same person uses the coupon 10 times at the other yardsale … you see  where I am going with this.  WHAT?  WAIT?  That isn’t even realistic!!! Yes, that is what you are doing.  You are STEALING … and it’s called FRAUD.  Just because there is a glitch or mistake in the computer that accepts a wrong coupon does not mean it’s legit ot use it.  ESPECIALLY when you KNOWINGLY do it over and over and over.  You are cheating the company or the store out of their money (which one, depends on if the company pays the store back for the coupon, since it was used wrong.).

It’s really no different than just taking a big purse in the store and filling it up.  If the company wanted to hand you money, they would put dollar bills in the inserts instead of coupons.

And the biggie … is it worth getting arrested?

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