Cowboy Caviar AKA Bean Salad & HOT Deal on Kraft Catalina Dressing!

Do you need to make a dish for a picnic or cookout?  Maybe you just want something simple to go along with whatever awesome food you are cooking on the grill?   Well, this easy dish is what you need.  It’s nice to keep the ingredients in your pantry so you can throw it together quickly when you need it!

I call this bean salad, because bean “dip” brings a picture of mashed beans to my head.  I don’t recall who came up with the original recipe, but it’s something like she didn’t like black eyed peas and wanted to fix them up.  There are many variations of this recipe, but the main ingredients are simple and can be kept in your pantry.  The fresh peppers, of course, will need to be purchased when you are ready to make it.

1 can black beans

1 can black eyed peas

1 can white or shoepeg corn

1 bottle of Catalina dressing (you will use about 1/2 a 16 oz bottle) <— awesome deal right now in Pantry!

1 red pepper chopped small

1 jalapeno minced (optional) or you can sub in any peppers you may have in your garden.  I used 2 small Cajun Bell peppers from my garden to spice it up.

Bag of tortilla scoop chips or whatever chips you prefer.  You probably don’t even need chips for this if you don’t want them, this could be eaten over a bed of lettuce too.

I’ve seen people add onion, avocado, or even cilantro.  I like onion, but don’t like it raw in dishes that will sit a while.  Avocado just doesn’t seem to be right for this dish.  And, I am the only one who like cilantro in my family, I think.

  1.  Rinse and drain the beans and black eyed peas.
  2.  Drain the corn.
  3.  Mix the beans, black eyed peas, corn, and chopped pepper in a bowl.
  4.  Cover with approximately 1/2 the Catalina dressing … you can add more later if you feel it need it.

Serve with your favorite tortilla chips!

See, I told you it was easy!  This is one of my favorite go-to recipes for picnics and it goes pretty quick.  Even kids like it!  I usually double the recipe if I am taking somewhere.  I suggest that you refrigerate for a few hours or overnight before serving.

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