Dollar General 3-Day Clearance Event! Get ready!

We have a Dollar General clearance event coming up.  The word from corporate is that it will be a 3 day event from March 4 – 6, but says “Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 6th”.  So, there is a typo in there.  We are assuming it’s 3 days from Friday the 4th through Sunday the 6th.  I just want to be clear as we have  no affiliation with Dollar General and they can do whatever they want and even change things up at the last minute.

The clearance event includes seasonal AND core and most stores will be an extra 50% off.  Some stores may be more.   And, yes, the regular clearance will be included (that is core).  Any seasonal that is on clearance at this time should be included too.  We will update when we get additional details.   But, be sure to start planning now and get your coupons ready!

I would also like to mention that there is no scheduled yearly clearance event list that is accurate.  The lists that you see for the “yearly schedule” are based on past years and may or may not be accurate.  Sure, some parts of them end up being accurate, but other parts – not so much.  There is nothing wrong with predicting what “might” happen, but I believe these schedules should be marked as such.

Even though this clearance event has been sent to the stores, they can always change things at the last minute.  When started covering Dollar General clearance and pennies back in 2014, our mission was to curb misinformation.  And, don’t get me wrong, we have been wrong on occasion too … but we try our hardest to keep the misinformation (and fraudulent couponing) to a minimum.  We can’t tell you all what to do, but we can advocate for self-responsibility.

Penny Puss is the self-proclaimed leader in responsible penny shopping.  Remember that employees are people too.  Be kind, don’t make a mess, and if you find resistance, be the better person.  Don’t cause unnecessary drama.  I realize this doesn’t work with all employees, but a lot of the nastiness could be avoided with just a little less attitude.  I feel like I am preaching at this point, but that is not my intention.  Some employees don’t even know that items can be pennies and they are afraid of getting in trouble.  A little empathy goes a long way.

Happy shopping!