Dollar General Clearance Event July 17 – 19! YMMV

Well, I had heard that there may be a clearance event coming up, but I could not get verification from my local store.  I checked the Dollar General app this morning though and one local store is showing 70% off clearance.

As of this posting at 5 am (Friday, July 17) the other stores in my area are still showing clearance at their regular clearance price.  We all know that the DG app sometimes doesn’t update everywhere at the same time.  So, I will keep checking to see if the other stores are having clearance too.  The clearance seems to be for “core” items only … not any seasonal clearance.

I’m going to post a few UPC’s for you to check with the Dollar General app so that you can see if your store is having the clearance event AND at what percent they are marking down.  Some of these items may not be in your store or have been removed from inventory, so they may show up 0.00 in the app.  This does not mean that they are free or even a penny.  We get a lot of questions about the 0.00 on items, so I thought I would mention it.

If your store has these Back to Nature Crackers, they are clearance at $2.10 most likely.  If your store is doing extra 50% off, they will show $1.05 in the DG app, if your store is doing 70% then they will show as 63¢.  These are not  sold at all stores.

If you change stores and the item changes to zero, delete that item from your app and rescan the barcode.

This votive holder should be 73¢ on clearance, but if your store is doing the clearance event, then 50% off would be 36 or 37¢ and 70% off stores would be only 23¢.

Please note that these are just some random UPC’s that are on clearance and may or may not be in your store.  I’m just trying to help anyone who can’t figure out how to know if their store is having the clearance event and what percentage off they would be ringing at your store.

The next UPC is for the As Seen on TV Egglettes.  The price on clearance is $7.50 in most stores.  If your store is doing the 50% off clearance, it will should be $3.75 and at 70% stores, it should be $2.25.

Look in the clearance section and look for orange clearance stickers on the shelves.  As I said though, it seems to be only “core” clearance included, not seasonal.  So markdowns on Memorial Day or recent summer candy markdowns are most likely not included.

All I can say is scan, scan, scan.  Use your Dollar General App.  Be sure you have it set on the correct store too!  If you are scanning in one store and it’s showing prices from another store, you are going to get a BIG surprise (and maybe not a good one) at the register.

Happy shopping!