Dollar General Ethnic Hair Care up to 90% … plus list of pennied stores.

The ethnic hair care has been marking down at select Dollar General stores.  Some stores have already pennied whether it be from a “reset” of the area in the store or a remodel.  Other stores are still full price.  I am not posting the full price stores or the stores that are only 25% off.  

The list is of the 50 and 90% stores.  Then after that, below is the list of stores that are showing a penny.  These penny stores may NOT be recent, but may have gone to a penny in a previous remodel or reset (as stated already).  

Penny Puss has no affiliation with Dollar General.  Always  double-check my work!  

UPC used for this search is 802535411050.  Link to DG for this product African Pride Olive Miracle Deep Conditioning

List of items to look for is here Dollar General Ethnic Hair Care 

Again, this next list is the stores showing a penny for the ethnic hair care now.  

Happy shopping!

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