Dollar General is discontinuing survey coupons!

Dollar General is no longer going to give out coupons in return for doing the survey at the bottom of the receipt.

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They are switching over to an “incentive” program. I do not know the details on the incentive … but I think the surveys submitted will go way down. They may, however, get more realistic surveys now. As I have seen people sharing their codes in groups telling people to be sure to give them excellent ratings.

While I am not thrilled about this move, it may be that they are losing too much money with these coupons as they are being shared and used more than they expected. 

Anyway, back to the survey coupons. They will stop printing Friday as per the message sent to the stores. So, go shopping in the next day or two to get your survey codes! I would be sure to complete the surveys quickly as we don’t know if they will stop allowing them to be input at that time too.

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