Dollar General Online Order + FREE SHIPPING!

Dollar General is running a promotion online for free shipping on $35 or more!  This takes effect BEFORE coupons are deducted!  Just note that not all promotions will come off in the same order and you cannot stack coupon codes.

The code for free shipping on a $35 order:


There are a few good deals that I ordered this morning.  The Scott Paper Towels are 2 for $8, but when you buy 3, it seems to give the best discount – I don’t think it works the same way in the store.  I think you would have to get 4 to get the extra $3 off in store.  Also, the buy 2 All Detergent, get Snuggle Fabric Softener FREE is a decent deal.  I needed a filler to get me over $35 to use the free shipping code so I added the 3 for $6 Frozen II cereal.  There are other cereals included in the buy 3 for $6.  And you must get 3 boxes to get the discount.

I’d say that was a pretty good deal … and I didn’t even have to haul it home!

Another scenerio: 

(3) Scott Paper Towels

(6) Frozen II or other included cereal that are 3 for $6.

50¢ filler such as baking soda

$35 subtotal use code FREESHIP35.

Pay only $17.50 + tax, if applicable!

Free shipping code is only good through today!

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