Dollar General pennies for Tuesday, July 3rd!

I know I have not been as dedicated to my website as I would like to this past couple weeks, I’ve been so busy! You all know how busy summer can get!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we do have a penny list for Tuesday, and I am posting tonight because I have another busy day tomorrow! My nephew is home on leave from the Marines right now … he is headed to Japan next, so I want to spend a little time with my sister and her family before he goes.

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So, without further ado, here is Miss Kinney Puff with the list for you! You can also see it printed below in case you can’t understand her. /wink/

Some of the UPC numbers may be off or wrong. Even though the stores get this list, it usually does have errors and sometime completely wrong upc’s.

You should be able to click on the list to see it larger. 

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