Dollar General Penny List for Tuesday!

Another Tuesday, another penny list!  We’ve been lucky lately with penny lists almost every Tuesday!
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UPDATE: These Hostess Twinkies also pennied this morning! The books listed below are ringing up as 2¢ instead of a penny.

Tomorrow’s penny list is one of my favorite items! Books!

S17 value books with UPC’s ending in -301718, -301725, and -301732 are scheduled to penny tomorrow! Also, the Clover Valley Meatballs in Tomato Sauce with the UPC ending in -92251 should penny.

I’m heading over to DG right now to see if I can get a couple pictures.  Then I will update the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder, so they will be in there for shopping in the morning!

These books may be mixed in with other books. The titles may also be the same as new books, so check the UPC’s!

Why I said this is my favorite penny item? Well, this is one of the things that I donate to the local hospital cancer center “give and take” library.  My mother was an avid reader … she spent a lot of days there when she was undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. So, in her honor, I try to find as many of the penny books as I can and I donate them for other cancer patients and their families. My mother died in September of 2009.  It will be 9 years next month … and, yes I am crying while typing this. Her birthday was in September too, so it’s a tough month.

I know many of you probably donate more than I do, but this “cause” is close to my heart. Sorry if I got a little too personal there.

I’m not sure if Summer BBQ foods is going to 90% or not, I’ll update when I find out.

Happy shopping!

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