No new pennies to add to the Dollar General Penny List.

June 11th.  Dollar General Penny List:

Sorry, there are no pennies scheduled for tomorrow at Dollar General.

The select electronics list should go to 90% tomorrow!  You can see it on our 2019 ongoing Dollar General Penny List post.  Some of the UPC’s on the list from DG are not right.  Look for green diamond electronics and if you can’t match the UPC, ask for a price check if you think it might be included.  I have updated some verified UPC’s in the app already.

I will need the rest of the UPC’s with pictures for the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder.  If you find any of the electronics that are included in this clearance, please post pictures with receipts.  I’d like to have the app updated before these get to a penny!


Happy shopping!

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