Dollar General remodel list UPDATE most stores didn’t penny!

The Dollar General remodel list looks about the same as it did yesterday with the locations with frozen 50% off STAYING at 50% off on their clearance items too.  Most of these stores did not penny this morning like they would have in the past. 

What do I think?

Before I go into what I think.  We have no affiliation with Dollar General and what I report as “remodels” are just stores with 50% off stuff that is not at most other stores.  This usually signifies that that particular store will remodel or reset those items.  I am not an expert and don’t claim to be.

So, last week, I don’t know if you recall, but I noted that one store with 50% off frozen did not penny.  THAT store DID penny this morning though.  So, is Dollar General trying to change them all now so that they are 2 weeks after the frozen goes to 50%?

Also, I believe it was last week (or the week before) that frozen went to 50% on Tuesday instead of Monday.  So, maybe remodels will now be a day later too?  Again, we don’t know what Dollar General is up to.  Anyone who says that they “know” is only guessing too.

It’s always possible that these stores may penny later in the day … that has happened in the past too.

Dollar General does like to change things up occasionally, so we really don’t know.  You can keep checking your stores daily for the prices.  Just remember that the list in the DG app is not a reliable source.  Sometimes things go to 0.00 in the list due to low stock or other reasons.  You must either enter a UPC manually in the DG app to verify a price … or scan an item. 

This morning is the very reason why we never say “definitely will penny”.  No one knows what Dollar General will do next.  They have tried to curb penny shopping over the years … but we usually catch on to the changes.  But at any time, Dollar General could change things.  

Have a happy and safe Sunday … and happy shopping!