Dollar General Remodels 3 in West Virginia!

There are 3 Dollar General remodels coming up in West Virginia!  All three stores have their frozen foods at 50% off meaning that this Sunday, the stores will probably penny!  Not everything in the store pennies, you have to search the Dollar General app under your store to see what is marking down and should be included.

The “home” page in the Dollar General app has a place where you can view categories.  Look for items that are marked down at your store.  When going to a remodel, be sure to check the prices to verify with the DG app.

All remodels are different.

Here are the West Virginia remodel stores:

You will need to do a bit of research and check the categories to be ready!  If you don’t want to wait till items penny, check out your stores clearance as some will be 50% off!  That is a deal too!

Happy shopping!