Don’t forget “Stamp out Hunger” donations today!

I was a little surprised the other day when I got my Stamp Out Hunger bag in the mailbox.  My first thought was, “who stuck a Dollar General bag in my mailbox!”  Anyway, they are using yellow plastic bags now.  And, I forgot all about it until this morning.

I don’t buy a lot of canned or boxed foods, my small pantry has mostly jars of olives right now, and glass is not allowed.  I did manage to find some canned veggies, a can of fruit, and a can of pumpkin.  I also just got 6 individual overnight oats in from my recent Amazon Prime order, so I guess that’s what’s going in my bag.  If you are able to, please put something in your bag and put it out for your mail carrier.

You can see more at their Stamp Out Hunger Facebook page.  It’s always great to give back to your community, even in little ways!

WHAT TO GIVE: Most-wanted foods include:

Canned meats (tuna, chicken, salmon).
Canned and boxed meals (soup, chili, stew, macaroni and cheese).
Canned or dried beans and peas (black, pinto, lentils).
Pasta, rice cereal.
Canned fruits.
100 percent fruit juice (canned, plastic or boxed).
Canned vegetables.
Cooking oil.
Boxed cooking mixes (pancake, breads).


Rusty or unlabeled cans.
Glass containers.
Perishable items.
Homemade items.
No expired items
Noncommercial canned or packaged items.
Alcoholic beverages or mixes or soda.
Open or used items.

Here is my bag … sitting by the front door until it gets light out.

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