Doodie Friends-Poop with Fly by Gemmy Industries “Push It” under $5!

I can’t decide if I should order this or not!  This Doodie Friends Poop with Fly is by Gemmy.  If you don’t know who Gemmy Industries is, this is the company that made that talking Christmas tree quite a few years back.  It sells on eBay as much or more than the original price now!

So, anyway, will this become a collectors item too!  It plays “push it” … fun for all your poopy friends!  Great gag gift for birthdays or any day!  And, the best part is that it under $5 and you can do in store pickup to save on shipping charges!  And if you don’t like the heart, you could probably just clip it off.

Way To Celebrate Valentine Emoji Doodie Friends-Poop with Fly by Gemmy Industries “Push It”


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