FREE App for Rapid Scanning at Dollar General.

This is a sponsored/paid post and the contest prize has also been provided by the owner of the app.

The Dollar Admiral App is a rapid scanning app that can help you locate penny items quicker than any other app.  It is always in rapid scanning mode.  It is available for Android only right now.  As of 11/26 it is now available for iPhones too!

After downloading:

  • You must log in to your app with your Dollar General account information.
  • Then choose whether your store is a home store or a regular store.
  • That’s it, just start scanning!

Dollar Admiral App for Android

Dollar Admiral App for Iphone

The Dollar Admiral App show the UPC and the price at the bottom.  It turns green and dings when an item is a penny.

One of the early users  said that it’s great for rapidly scanning a box of socks.

Try it out, it’s FREE!

Then come back here and enter the contest to try to win a $50 Amazon gift card!  The contest starts Sunday, Nov  17 at 12 AM EST and ends Sunday, Dec 1 at 12 AM.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Amazon is not a sponsor of this contest.  The contest prize is provided by the Dollar Admiral App owner.

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