Free toothpaste at CVS and Rite Aid

These deals are good thru 11/30/19



Select Colgate $3.50

Use $3 store coupon everyone is getting when you scan your card at the coupon machine in store. And combine with a 50 cents/1 mfr coupon from 11/24 Smartsource.

Pay zero (plus applicable tax)

Note: even if you have a $1 mfr coupon, the coupons will reduce. CVS does not give overage. The registers are hard coded.

Rite Aid has pretty much the same deal for colgate.

Sale $3.50

Use $3 in ad store coupon (limit ONE per customer) and stack with 50 cents mfr coupon from 11/24 Smartsource. Pay zero (plus applicable tax)

Note: there are a couple varieties that will ring $3.19 if you have gold discount. Cashiers can manually reduce the store coupon to make it free. Store policy is not to give overage. But registers are not hard programmed.

Also at Rite Aid

Select crest toothpaste is on sale for $3 and you get back $1 bonus cash. Use $2/1 mfr load2card coupon OR insert coupon from 11/24 p&g. You will pay $1 plus tax and get $1 bonus cash back.



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