Giant Eagle – Garnier b1g1 free? NOPE – get out your magnifying glass!

I was looking through the sale ad for this week and came across the new Garnier Whole blends products that are in the ad.  At first glance, it looks like they are “buy one get one free” and we are supposed to look for the signs in the store, but if look just a little closer … but that is not the case at all.  There is a buy one get one free coupon in the Sunday paper.

This isn’t a lack of reading the small print or ignoring it… it’s almost not seeing it.  That print is so tiny that it is almost invisible when you glance at the ad.  And, if you don’t have perfect vision, you may not see it at all!

Here is the ad flyer view online: Garnier on sale
As you can see in my picture, the print underneath of the “look for the buy one get one free” is about the size of the print on a penny!  Yes, it’s about 1/5th of the size of the letters above it!  I think this is a cheap tactic and there should be laws against this type of deceit.

What are your thoughts?

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