Have a safe and happy Memorial Day!

While we all know Memorial Day is not about “fun”, many of us get the day off, so we have picnics and cookouts or enjoy the outdoors in some way.

We can still remember those who gave their lives for our freedom while spending time with those we love.  Today is yardwork for me, unfortunately, but we did have a cookout at my sister’s house yesterday.  My nephew, a United States Marine, got the weekend off and flew in.  So, my sister planned a last minute get together.  It’s always nice spending time with my family.  I cherish each and every one of them.

So enjoy your day, enjoy your friends and family, and enjoy your freedom.  And remember these freedoms are for all … not just one side of the political spectrum.  Remember how important our rights are.  Not only the right to bear arms, but the right to free speech, the right to a free press, the right to practice the religion of your choosing (or none), the right to assemble, the right to address the government for greivances.  And remember our most precious rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.  This is where I think we a as nation go wrong.  OUR right to “liberty” and the “pursuit of happiness”, not the law-makers or the government’s ideas of such.

Mr Penny Puss and I are both United States Air Force Veterans.  He served for 24 years and I served for 10.

Enjoy your day and give a little thought to our fallen heroes who made it possible.

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