I hope you all got some deals during the Dollar General Clearance Event!

I’d like to start out saying that I was a bit disappointed in the clearance event. I did go to one store that had a lot of regular clearance stuff like laundry detergent, shampoo, and those type things … you know, the couponing stuff. Most of it rang up higher and had to be adjusted, but the employees were all great!

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The one cashier said that she was probably going to get in trouble for accepting coupons that she should not have accepted. They scanned, but were on the wrong sizes of the products. She was the ONLY one there when they opened … had a line because of the clearance event … and it was easier to just accept them … because the couponers would just cause a scene and end up holding up the line more.  As an employee, was she right?  I’d say – no.  But, really, I ask you all who use coupons on items that they were not intended … do you make a fuss when YOU ARE THE ONE DOING WRONG?  I’m not calling out all couponers … don’t get me wrong here. I am asking why couponers who are using the coupons wrong fuss at the employees for not taking them.  I also went to a store that told me that they could not take my printed coupons, because they were copies … no, they are not copies … but I get it … someone used copies … so now that store won’t accept the printed ones at all. I don’t know why they don’t prosecute people like that … copying coupons is the same as copying money. The store does not get paid for those copies. UGH!

Okay, now that my rant is over … I did well with the 25¢ and 50¢ shoes, clothes, and accessories. These will be back to 50¢ and $1 today … but then tomorrow SHOULD all go to a quarter. Oh, and Easter should penny tomorrow too.  I will post a list update later today. I have to sort my car out … everything I bought yesterday is still in there.

My husband surprised me this morning … he ran to Walmart at 5:30 this morning … before going to work and bought me a couple really nice big storage bins.  He’s so good to me!

I hope you all don’t mind too much of me getting my frustrations out.
And, if you are going out today, happy shopping!

Important Links:
Understanding the Basics of Penny Shopping at Dollar General
Penny Puss on Facebook
Dollar General Penny and Clearance group on Facebook
Dollar General Shopper Penny and Clearance group on Facebook
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