I’m Starting my “Extreme Coupon” Venture …

I ordered my first set of inserts from a supplier.  The cost was $17.50, which kind of made me cringe.  Not that it’s a bad price, but because I can’t imagine saving much over that amount to make it worth it.

If you know me, you know that I don’t coupon a lot, because I am picky and also I have sensitive skin  as well as allergies which rules out using a LOT of products.  I am, however, going to try to get in on some of the “hotter” deals that I can hopefully sell the products I purchase to make up for the cost of the inserts.

If you didn’t see my prior post, the coupon inserts that I purchased aren’t as good as my local inserts.  (You can see the video comparison HERE.) If I do decide to keep purchasing inserts, I think I will find another supplier.

My first purchase with the insert coupons was 6 packs of Gain fabric sheets at Family Dollar.
They are $2 a box.

6 at $2 = $12
used (2) $5/3 coupons from 4/3 P$G
Total out of pocket was $2 (+tax).

You may consider this a $10 savings if you use this product, but I may try to sell these for $1 a box, hopefully giving me $4 profit to bring down the price of the coupon inserts.


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