Moultrie Trail Cam under $30!

Check out this Moultrie W400 Infrared Hunting Trail Camera.  Right now it’s only $26.38!  This is what my husband has been using to take pictures in the yard.  He has it strapped to the tree next to the bird bath.  

Moultrie Trail Cam Clearance

Here are some images that he captured with it.  Look closely at the first picture to see the groundhog in the background.

Groundhog in back yard

Ground hog and bunnies

Raccoon in back yard

Racoon getting out of bird bath

I had no idea that we had racoons around here!  Imagine my surprise.  My sister said, “well, they get hot too!”  Yikes!

Anyway grab one and see what you can capture in your own yard. 

You can grab yours online here: 

—-> Moultrie Trail Cam

Happy viewing … and happy shopping!