My husband bought me a composter, plus my potting mix blend.

If you know me at all, you know that I love to grow things – mostly food . I have a very small garden that I would like to expand and I have potted vegetables on my back porch. The other day, there was a groundhog on my porch! I had to buy a baby gate for the top of the steps to hopefully deter it in the future.

Anyway, I try to keep chemicals out of my yard and use natural products and organic garden compost can be quite expensive, so I have been looking at composting bins.  My husband actually surprised me by buying it for me.  I went out on the porch and there it was … but he said that I have to put it together.  Hopefully we can get it put together this weekend.

This is the first year that I actually mixed my own potting soil and my first year for planting potatoes. My potatoes seem pretty happy with the soil mix! They are growing quite well.

Here is the one he bought me:

Yimby Tumbling Composter

We have a lot of critters in our yard, so we didn’t want something on the ground, so I think this one will be perfect.

Back to the potting mix. I did a lot of reasearch and came up with my own mix.  I mixed it in a 32 gallon plastic tote container.
Compressed Coconut Coir Brick, 10 Pound (lb)-Green Texan Organic Farms – I used 1/2 of it per batch.
Espoma PR1 1 Cubic Foot Organic Perlite – I used 1/2 of this bag per batch.
Green Texan Organic Farms Worm Castings, 10 Pounds (10 Lb) – I used 1/2 of this bag per batch.
Grow Pro Azomite Micronized Organic Trace Rock Dust Natural Mineral Soluble Powder Fertilizer (5 pounds) – I used about 1 cup per batch.
Miracle-Gro 100131 M Nature’s Care Organic and Natural Vegetable Fruit and Flower Food – I used about 1 cup per batch.
I also used some organic compost that I bought locally.

I ran out of the vegetable food fertilizer and used organic bonemeal and bloodmeal in it’s place in a few of the batches that I made.  I need to put in a new order for the vegetable food fertilizer.

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