New pennies at Dollar General today!

The St Patrick’s socks and accessories should be going to a penny today!  I know it’s not a lot, but it’s something!

I am going out for the ASOTV and fall hardware that should be 90% off today.  Be sure to do a price check if you are unsure what your store percentage is – it saves a lot of hassle.  I keep seeing where people are filling up their carts and when they get to the register the items aren’t ringing as they thought.  So, save yourself AND your cashier a bit of aggravation and do a price check.

Brown dot last week was anywhere between 25-70% all within a 30 mile radius here.  So if you are looking at brown dot, again – do a price check to gauge the percentage.

I’m not sure what the marked down clothing or shoes will be today, but I am probably going to do a quick check of those too.

Please do NOT copy and paste this – you can save it to your phone for your own reference, but we appreciate that you do not share it elsewhere without our approval.

If you want to see the list with the fall hardware, it is in the Penny List post.  You can always find the old lists there.  Just remember that some seasonal items are resetting for summer.

Happy shopping, everyone!  I want to see what you all are getting today!  There isn’t a lot left here – but I did scope out a store last night that has a few items that I want.

Also, before I end this, I’d like to ask you all to be NICE to the employees.  Do not mess up their displays.  Do not get a bunch of stuff you are unsure of and then say you don’t want it.  And last, JUST BECAUSE IT IS AN OLD DATE, DOES NOT MEAN IT’S A PENNY!

Have a great day!

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