Penny Puss App with DG Penny Finder

The Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder is the original app for penny shopping at Dollar General – created in 2014.  We have no affiliation with Dollar General.

The Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder contains the penny list for Dollar General.  It is best used with our website and our Facebook group: Friendly DG Penny Shopping.

UPDATE:  July 26, 2023

The Penny Puss app is being moved to a different hosting platform and it is a bit of a mess right now.  All the dates when items pennied are mixed together and jumbled.  This is probably 2 years worth of lists.  Unfortunately, I am going to have to remove that section and then start from scratch to get the current lists posted again.  I am very sorry for this as it was not my decision, but the decision of the prior hosting platform.  I have not sent the “new” version to the app stores yet.  I am still working on fixing it, but might have to view it live to be sure of what you all are seeing in it.  Again, I apologize for this problem.

When we first started the app in 2014, the Dollar General app did not have the ability to check prices in the store.  Since that has changed, penny shopping has gotten a little easier … but it’s harder now to find the pennies due to more shoppers.

We no longer list pictures of items or UPC’s of everything in categories such as colored symbols as you can check the DG app for price if you find one with a symbol that should be clearance or penny.

If you want to help support our site, please consider purchasing our app.

Thank you and happy shopping!