Sale I posted the other day … I got dirty/worn shoes!

So, this is the first time that I have purchased from and well, the experience was horrible.  Grrr!  I posted this “great sale” October 7th after ordering my husband 2 new pairs of shoes from them.

Here is my previous post: 50% off Coupon for

My husband hates tying his shoes, so when I saw this type of shoe that has laces, but zips on the side, I ordered 2 pair for my husband.  So, when the box came today, I told him I got him a present.  He opened the first pair … dirty/stained shoes!  Ugh!

So, I contacted Reebok and not much they can do but help me return them.  They offered a 20% off discount on my next order.  That is useless because (1) you can only use one discount and I qualify for the veteran discount and (2) do I really want to buy from a company that sends out dirty old shoes?

The person I chatted with said they understand the frustration … um, NOPE!  I am not frustrated, I’m pissed!  (although I didn’t say that).

The picture shows 2 shoes – one of the dirty worn pair next to one of the other pair that looks new.  You can also see the stain on the one.

Anyway, I am wondering if anyone else purchased and what is your experience with this company?
