The Dollar General Clearance Event is over … or is it?

Well, the Dollar General Clearance Event is officially over! Well, maybe.
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There are rumors going around that Dollar General has extended their Clearance Event for an additional week. We HAVE seen this in past years, but it is usually only SELECT stores and not all that participated. We won’t know until people start checking in later today. The DG website clearance prices are back to normal … and this may be an indication that it is only going to be for select stores now.

I am posting this because I know how fast rumors spread and I don’t want people loading up on clearance without checking with their store.

I am going to also add here that the other categories like purple dot and fall clothes will also go back to full price.  They are not clearance, but may START their clearance markdown … but will most likely NOT start at 50% … this was a SALE.

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So, about the weekend. Friday went pretty well, I hit a couple stores and if the items were marked clearance, they just marked them down with the markdown key. Saturday, I found a store that was getting ready to remodel and they had a lot of 50% off (stuff that wasn’t on clearance in other stores). The extra 50% off did not come off automatically, but they verified the tags were there and used the markdown key.

Sunday, I should have stayed home. I went to one store and got the U by Kotex pads … the coupon wouldn’t match although there was nothing in the writing that said the ones that I got were excluded. The cashier said, “it excludes U by Kotex” … there is a line behind me … I said, “no, it excludes U by Kotex Fitness” … no, it excludes U by Kotex” … again … “no, it excludes U by Kotex FITNESS” … so she reads out loud and gets really quiet when she says “fitness” … as I said, the line is long … and well … getting longer by now. I ask that she please take them off then … she calls for the other employee, who is also running a register and she came over and put the coupon through manually after checking that it DID match the product. I think everyone in the store new that I did not get U by Kotex FITNESS! (Gotta laught at that!) Yay, I’m out … I only had a handful of things, but that was too stressful.

So, on to the next store. I walk in and one of the employees says, “hi” to me … I said something to the effect that it was the last day of the sale and proceeded to look at a black shelving unit near the front of the store. She said, “that’s not included” … I said, “but some of the items have orange tags that say clearance” … she said, “sure, but they are new clearance and not included” … and she showed me sign that someone had written put at the top of the rack saying it was not included. Okay, so that didn’t start out well … but I found other items throughout the store. She opened the other register for me so I didn’t hold up the line since I had a lot of items and had coupons for most of them.

One more store to go … and it was a disaster. I found some different pads on the shelf that had 10% off orange clearance sticker. They did not ring up the extra 50% off. The cashier called another employee to come up … I asked her since it had the orange clearance sticker shouldn’t it be extra 50% … she said, “no, not all clearance is” … so I didn’t get them. I also had a coupon problem where the coupon stated “1 per purchase – 2 per household per day” … but, it would only take one coupon. It was $4 off 2 shampoo and the employee tried to put it in manually but the register would only allow her to put in the price equaling one of the items … anyway, they aborted the transaction and took me over to the other register to sort it out.  Worked out, but more stress and holding up the line.

I love Dollar General. I love their deals. I really like most of the employees that work at the local stores. And, I don’t blame them. I think that the information just doesn’t get down to the workers … and when an issue arrises, they just don’t know what to do.

From what I understand, the markdown key was supposed to work this weekend. (It had been recently deactivated.) All you can do in any of these situations is stay calm and try to reason with the cashier .. and ask for a manager, if necessary. If you can’t take the coupon because it didn’t scan, well okay … but don’t tell me it doesn’t match. If there are orange stickers that say clearance on the tags and you are advertising a 50% off all clearance sale, then it should be an override.

All in all, I got some great deals in the past 3 days, but it really could have went smoother. We’d like to know how you all faired with this event. Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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