Unadvertised Sale on Artskill Craft Items at Dollar General!

Someone posted last night on my Facebook page that they got a glue gun for only a dollar in store. I thought, well, must just be a glitch or something.  (Thank you, Jessi, for the hot sale tip!)
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I thought about it a little more this morning and decided to go to DG.com and check it out! Looks like a LOT of Artskills items are marked down to only $1.00! Looks like an unadvertised sale! And, since the glue gun was bought in store, I would assume that the other items that are showing $1 are also in store for $1. Let us know if you get any in the store!

Here is the link to DG.com Artskills items.

If anyone knows more about this sale, please let us know!

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