Walmart 50¢ items! This varies GREATLY, see details!

I posted a video a while back about finding clearance at your local Walmart.

To find the prices, you must use the Walmart APP on your phone.

For my recent searches, I have been putting in search terms such as rice, salt, spices, beans, pickles, and such.  I got a few hits for 50¢ items, so that is what I am looking for when I scroll through the items.  You really have to have a little time for this.  But it has paid off for me!  I got a bunch of stuff and even used coupons on them!

If you find an item that says “in stock,” you can check the coupon database to see if there is a matching coupon!  I found Seeds of Change rice packets on clearance for 50¢ and used the $1.50/2 coupons on them!  This gives you 50¢ overage per 2 packets with coupon!

Most coupons can be printed twice per computer.  Remember that copying the coupon is fraud as most coupons have unique pin numbers.

Be sure and let us know what you find!  But remember, this varies greatly from store to store.  So you must check the app for the store you are going to.


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