Walmart Christmas is now at 75% off!

I heard that Walmart Christmas went to 75% off at midnight.  So I got ready and headed over there after feeding the cats and getting my husband off to work.

So, I’m so excited, but ‘darn it’ … they were waxing the floors and I couldn’t get to the Christmas stuff.  I wandered around Walmart for about an hour before the floor dried and I could go back to the Christmas stuff.  

They had a LOT of stuff, but not really a lot that I wanted.  I got a bunch of throw blankets (yes, I left some).  Also, there were some candles ringing up 74¢ for the 15 oz and 23¢ for the glass votive size.  I only bought one candle though – just one for my Grandma.  Some of the blankets weren’t ringing up on clearance, but the cashier had no problem overriding because they were the ones that had Christmas patterns.

The other thing that I got (well I got 2) were the Star Wars inflatables! Originally $43 – and only $10.75 on clearance.

My other disappointment was the Glade, Air Wick, and Febreeze seasonals were only a little more than 1/2 off … they didn’t go to 75%. Phooey! I was looking forward to using my coupons. I spent 2 hours deciding which items to buy and trying to figure out which items I needed for wreaths!


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