Walmart clearance can be anywhere in the store!

Remember that clearance items can be ANYWHERE in the store. Sometimes things get misplaced and sometimes they just mark them down in their regular spot.
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Yesterday, I went to Walmart to look around for clearance and grab a few groceries. Our store has a new clearance area toward the back of the store near the milk coolers, but I also saw a lot of other clearance throughout the store. There are toys being marked down, clothing, and even food items! I like to go up and down most of the aisles and take my time to look. I know we can’t always stay in Walmart for hours, but try to check out as much as you can when you go.

I bought 3 of these salads!  I grabbed one at first that was $1.28 and was going to get it and then looked back and realized some of the clearance stickers were for less!  Some were marked 64¢, some were $1.28, and others for $2.56.  And, oddly, the ones that expired sooner were more!  I think someone might have messed up!

I want to go back today after seeing if I can match up coupons.
You can go to the Coupon Database if you want to do the same.

I bought this cute little Steeler dress for my granddaughter!  It was originally $24.88 and marked down to $7!  Also, the underpants were $4 for 9 pair!  I got 2 of those for her too.

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