Walmart grocery: Spaghettios 49¢ and Suddenly Salad only $1!

Before I get to the deal, these may be a different price for you.  Walmart deals vary greatly.  You will most likely have to get these items in a grocery pickup or delivery.  I scanned the Spaghettios in store yesterday and they did show 49¢, but rang up as $1.17 at the register.

I don’t know for certain on the Suddenly Salad as I did not purchase any.  It did scan as $1 in the Walmart app though.

So, here is the deal:

Campbell’s Original Spaghettios

Suddenly Salad Creamy Macaroni

And, before you say that you can get it this price at the Dollar Tree, please note that these are much larger boxes than the Dollar Tree sells.

Check out Walmart+ free-trial too:

—-> Walmart FREE Shipping and grocery delivery for 90 days and more!*

There may be limits to how many you can purchase in a grocery order, but if you are putting in an order anyway, why not grab a couple.  It’s always good to have some extra food in your pantry in case of an emergency – especially canned, ready to eat food like Spaghettios!

Happy shopping!