$3.50 each for Scott Towels when you buy 4 – with coupons!

I went to DG this morning to get the Scott/Cottonelle Toilet Paper buy one get one free … only to find out that it is a 3 day sale that doesn’t start till Thursday. I had planned on combining those deals with Scott Paper Towels to get the $3 off $15 instant savings too.

So, since I didn’t pay attention to the ad, I had to change my scenerio.

This is what I got:
4 Scott (6 packs) at $5 each
$1 digital
(2) $1 printables
instant savings of $3 off $15

(I only had 3 coupons, if you have another coupon you could use it.)

$14 + tax or $3.50 a pack.
Still not a bad deal if you need paper towels and prefer Scott.  And, I NEEDED paper towels.

If you just need 1 pack, you can get it for only $4 with either the digital or printable.

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