90% off Memorial Day Flowers at Dollar General

I know everyone is out looking for today’s pennies, but you might also want to pick up a couple of the Memorial Day flowers and wreaths that went to 90% off today. I did verify at our local stores that they did go to 90% off today, but sometimes stores vary in prices and discounts, so be sure to scan the items with the Dollar General app to verify your store prices. Some items are not included.

$8 wreaths are only 80¢, $10 vases are only $1, $7 crosses are only 70¢, and $4 memorial stakes are only 40¢. There are a few items that look like they might be included, but are not. I will also post those below.

There may be additional UPC’s for the different colors and styles of each item.

The following items are not included:

Also, purple dot should be ringing 50% off now. There may be exclusions.

Happy shopping!