Back to work a week after my furnace went kaput!

So, if you didn’t read any of my posts on Facebook or even on my website here, I took some time off.  It started last Thursday morning when People’s Gas came out to change our meter because they couldn’t get a reading from it.

What should have been an easy job ended up with our furnace no longer working. 

I guess when they turned the gas back on, they could not get the pilot light lit.  We had a local company M&N Heating and Cooling (recommended by family) come out and take a look at it.  The owner of the company, Max, came out that same day … and verified that we needed a new furnace.

It’s definitely the season for furnace repairs and replacements.  We were told that it would take two days to complete – one day for the furnace and another for the new ductwork.  Monday or Tuesday was the soonest they could get started.  So, we ran four space heaters for six days.  I didn’t leave the house except once when it warmed up a bit outside because I do not feel comfortable leaving space heaters on and my cat needed a bit of warmth as she is older and a bit frail.

Actually she was what I worried about most with the heat situation.  I tried giving her a warm towel fresh from the dryer, but it cooled pretty quick.  She finally decided to get in bed with us  and took over my husband’s side for those days.  I felt a lot better knowing she was warm.

So, while she spent most of the time on our bed, I spent most of my time decluttering the basement as they needed room to bring in the new furnace. 

After this past (almost) week … I have decided that I do not like being cold.  I was okay until Sunday, but Monday was another story.   The only time I felt warm enough was when I was in bed at night.  

So, back to the furnace being installed.  They made it out here on Tuesday and finished all the work in only one day instead of two.  The owner and one other person worked on it all day.  If you are local, I highly recommend this company as they are hard workers and the owner seems like a pretty good person.  I had a chance to talk to him just a bit when he changed the furnace control.  He told me the story of how he saved his dog from a dumpster … as I said, he seems like a good person … a compassionate human being. 

So, here it is Thursday and I feel thankful and blessed.  It’s amazing what a little warmth can do.  I still took Wednesday off, as I just need a “me” day after all this.  A day to just be comfy and do what I wanted to do.  

I’ve already started updating the Dollar General remodel location lists.  I have tried to message back anyone who messaged me either on Facebook or through my app.  If I have not messaged you back, you can reach out again. 

There have also been a ton of surprise pennies lately.  The best way to find out what they are is to join our Friendly Penny Shopping group on Facebook. 

I know you all want the information fast, but I had no desire to sit in a cold office and work all day.  Anyway, again, I’ll start back tomorrow and very sorry for the downtime! 

There was no scheduled penny list this past Tuesday, but Valentine’s Day went to 70% off (candy 50%) and the carry over gift sets (purple tag) are now at 50% off.  Always double check prices by using the DG app to scan the UPC of the product.

We also have a clearance event coming up soon.  More details to come!

Happy shopping – stay warm!