HOT TOY: Barbie RC Corvette 25% off!

Target has had one of the hottest toys for the year in and out of stock this morning already.  This is on my granddaughter’s wish list.

So I started looking for it and Target showed in stock but when I went to order it, it was back out of stock.  I kept refreshing the page and it came back in stock and allowed me to order.  There was also a 25% off coupon for one toy that I clipped … giving me 25% off!

Here is the link:

Barbie RC Corvette

We still have lots of time to find it and I will try my best to post when I do find it back in stock in case you can’t score at Target right now.

You can also sing up for in stock alerts on the Target page.

Also, don’t forget the batteries!  You will need 7 AA batteries for this Barbie RC Corvette.

Happy shopping!