Bella dog food 3lb bag just 85 cents at Dollar General

Bella dog food 3lb bag, final cost 85 cents when you stack a digital coupon and an Ibotta offer.


This deal and lots more can be found in our

Dollar General ALL DIGITAL coupon deals post.


Bella dog food 3lb bag $5.85 (price can vary slightly by location)

Use $3 digital coupon

Pay $2.85 (+tax)

And submit for $2 Ibotta rebate. (Offers can vary by user and can expire at any time)



How to use digital coupons at Dollar General:

  • Go to the DG App or DG Coupons on their website and make an account with your email and phone number.
  • “Clip” the coupons to your account.
  • When making a purchase, enter your phone number into the pin pad while the cashier scans your items.
  • Once you have entered your phone number, the cashier can hit total and your digitals will deduct.

Use the DG app to scan to check price and the digital coupon is attaching properly.