Beneful dog food $2 or less at 3 different stores- digital or paperdeals.

This deal is good at Dollar General,  Family Dollar or Kroger

This week at all 3 stores, we got a digital coupon for $4 off any Beneful dry dog food 2lb or larger. There is also the same  coupon in the 2/23 RMN.

Prices may vary slightly depending on location, but prices near me for the 3.5lb bags are:

Dollar General $5.95-$4 digital =$1.95

Family Dollar $6-$4 digital =$2

Kroger regular $6.29, on sale for $5.49-$4 digital=$1.49

You will need to clip the digital for each store.

Or use the insert coupon.


Remember to scan your receipt to Fetch Rewards. Turn apmost any receipt into gift cards! Use my referral code, TF1BT, during signup and you’ll get 2,000 Fetch Points ($2) just for scanning your first receipt.