Delallo FREE tomatoes money-maker at Walmart!

First off, I think Delallo might be regional.  I buy their HOT pepperocini and their green olives anyway.  I’m not fond of mild pepperocini in any brand … but the Delallo Hot Pepperocini are so good!  I don’t think I’ve ever tried their canned tomatoes, because I usually just use my coupons towards the other products, but I decided to try the coupons on the tomatoes to see if they would work for overage.

You can print 2 per user per month, so my husband and I each printed 2, for a total of 4

I went to Walmart and I purchased 4 cans of Delallo diced tomatoes.  The coupons went through perfectly at the self-checkout, but it prompted for an employee to verify after I scanned them all.

At our local Walmart, there is a stand-alone display of Delallo products.  I’m not sure if they are also mixed in the other aisles.

The Delallo Diced Tomatoes were 88¢ giving me 12¢ overage per can.

Delallo Coupons

While I was there trying the Delallo coupons, I purchased a Clif Cocoa Almond Granola (clearance) for the Savingstar rebate and found some other good deals for 10¢, 25¢, and 50¢ that I had passed up earlier.

I already gave away a few of the items on my receipt, but I did keep these for when my granddaughter comes over.  They were mixed in with the regular apple.  These were 10¢ each.

Mott Cinnamon Applesauce sku on Brickseek

If you don’t use Brickseek, you can see a short video here:

Yes, I did pay for the $9.99/month subscription.  The one good thing about the subscription is that there are not a bunch of ads on the pages.  The subscription did not tell me about the recent food deals though, so I most likely will cancel at the end of the month.

You can search by trending deals … and also, at the bottom of the page usually there will be suggested items click through them. You still have to check to see if your store has that item and the price at your store.

And it is always helpful to occasionally just walk through your store and look at the price tags.  You may find some nice surprises like I did!

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