Dollar General 50¢ Bic Flex 3 Titanium Men’s 3-ct Razors

There is a new Dollar General digital coupon this week that is good on select Bic Razors including one that is priced at only $4.50! That will make the razor pack only 50¢ after digital coupon!

Be sure to verify in your DG app what the price is on the razor and that the coupon is still attaching to this item.

Bic Flex 3 Titanium Men 3-ct Disposable Razors $4.50
– $4 off select Bic Razors 9/18/2022
Pay only 50¢ (plus tax where applicable)

Prices may vary by location. We are not affiliated with Dollar General and only relay the best info that we can by shopping for these products our selves or checking the stores. My store was out of stock on this product yesterday when I went.

You can see more Dollar General digital coupon matchups in our weekly post here:

Dollar General DIGITAL coupon matchups

Happy shopping!