Dollar General 50¢ Schick Razors!

You can get 50¢ Schick Razors this week at Dollar General!  Be sure to clip the $4 Schick Razor digital coupon now so you don’t miss out!  This would be a nice filler item for a Saturday $5 off $25 scenario.

Personally, I usually get these deals at first chance as you never know if the good items will be out of stock by Saturday.

How to use digital coupons at Dollar General:

  • Go to the DG App or DG Coupons on their website and make an account with your email and phone number.
  • “Clip” the coupons to your account.
  • When making a purchase, enter your phone number into the pin pad while the cashier scans your items.
  • Once you have entered your phone number, the cashier can hit total and your digitals will deduct.

If using a $5 off $25 digital coupon, your total needs to be at least $25, BEFORE coupons but AFTER instant savings. Tax does not count toward the $25 total. Hand over any manufacturer paper coupons after digitals have applied.
If using a $5 off $25 paper coupon, have the cashier scan it prior to applying digital coupons. Then enter your phone number for digital coupons to apply. Last, hand over any manufacturer paper coupons.
**Scan items with the app to double check you have the digital coupon clipped and it is still attaching properly.**


Check out the rest of the deals!

Dollar General ALL DIGITAL deals and coupon matchups for the week of November 22-28

Your choice, men’s or women’s for only 50¢ after digital coupon!

Happy shopping!