Dollar General All Digital coupon deals Sept 27-Oct 3

This list will be updated throughout the week as we discover new deals or new digital coupons come out. We only post legit deals, based on the wording of the coupon. 

I have more information below for people new to using digital coupons at Dollar General. But a quick reminder to all:

  • You may not have every coupon I show. Not everyone gets every coupon, or you may have already used it or it may no longer be available to clip.
  • Prices can vary by location. I strongly suggest using the DG app to scan items to verify price and digital coupon is still attaching correctly.















The Polident coupon did not show attaching when I first searched the app but it did when the product was scanned.





If you still have your shave cream digital coupons, you can get an even better deal on the razors.






















Choose Tide Simply liquid or 13 ct pods for the same price.






For the small spaces, if you only want to buy 2, don’t clip the $1/1. Otherwise only the $1 will come even if you buy 2. (At least that’s how it usually happens). If you have both digitals clipped and buy 3, both digitals will deduct.






Note, the Palmolive is a smaller size this time!







You can mix and match items included in the $2/$10 instant savings.



A couple Suave scenarios for the $2/$8 instant savings

Can combine Tresemme with the $2/$8 instant savings.


Suave deals can be combined with $2/$8 instant savings




Vaseline can be combined with $2/$8 instant savings



Degree can be combined with the $2/$8 instant savings



Can be combined with $2/$8 instant savings

Here is another possible scenario for the $2/$8 instant savings
































How to use digital coupons at Dollar General:

  • Go to the DG App or DG Coupons on their website and make an account with your email and phone number.
  • “Clip” the coupons to your account.
  • When making a purchase, enter your phone number into the pin pad while the cashier scans your items.
  • Once you have entered your phone number, the cashier can hit total and your digitals will deduct.

If using a $5 off $25 digital coupon, your total needs to be at least $25, BEFORE coupons but AFTER instant savings. Tax does not count toward the $25 total. Hand over any manufacturer paper coupons after digitals have applied.

If using a $5 off $25 paper coupon, have the cashier scan it prior to applying digital coupons. Then enter your phone number for digital coupons to apply. Last, hand over any manufacturer paper coupons.
**Scan items with the app to double check you have the digital coupon clipped and it is still attaching properly.**

Remember to scan your receipts to


Fetch Rewards. Turn almost any receipt into gift cards! Use my referral code, TF1BT, during signup and you’ll get 2,000 Fetch Points just for scanning your first receipt.
