Dollar General high value Palmolive Digital Coupon!

Check out the new Palmolive Dollar General digital coupon! The coupon is for use on the 46 oz Ultra Liquid or 70 oz Essential Clean Liquid.

The best deal is the 70 oz:

$5 Palmolive Essential Clean Dish Liquid
– $2.50 off select Palmolive 12/03/2022
Pay only $2.50 (that is 1/2 price!)

or if you prefer the Ultra Palmolive:

$5.50 Ultra Palmolive 46 oz (antibacterial or Oxy)
– $2.50 off select Palmolive 12/03/2022
Pay only $3.00′

While we do not approve of “glitches” or using coupons/digital coupons other than worded, the 70 oz Palmolive seems to be the new size. I did not get to the store, but the DG app says 70 oz, but the picture is of 90 oz.

Be sure to scan in the store to verify the coupon is attaching.

Either way is a good deal though!
Happy shopping!