Dollar General Love and Beauty Shampoo as low as 2 for $2 with coupons!

You will need 3 coupons for this deal.  Two are digital coupons and the other is from the Dollar General Beauty Bag offer.  The beauty bag offer is no longer available.  It’s still a decent deal without the beauty bag coupon, if you use this product.

This is an excellent deal if you have all the coupons.

How to use digital coupons at Dollar General:

  • Go to the DG App or DG Coupons on their website and make an account with your email and phone number.
  • “Clip” the coupons to your account.
  • When making a purchase, enter your phone number into the pin pad while the cashier scans your items.
  • Once you have entered your phone number, the cashier can hit total and your digitals will deduct.

If using a $5 off $25 digital coupon, your total needs to be at least $25, BEFORE coupons but AFTER instant savings. Tax does not count toward the $25 total. Hand over any manufacturer paper coupons after digitals have applied. If using a $5 off $25 paper coupon, have the cashier scan it prior to applying digital coupons. Then enter your phone number for digital coupons to apply. Last, hand over any manufacturer paper coupons.
**Scan items with the app to double check you have the digital coupon clipped and it is still attaching properly.**


Happy shopping!