Dollar General: Palmolive Powerpacs Deal!

There is a really good deal this week on Palmolive Powerpacs.  We have a $3 off digital coupon and a $3 off $10 Palmolive instant savings that combine to give us over 50% off the deal.


  • 36 count Palmolive Powerpacs $9
  • $1 Palmolive

Subtotal is $10

  • instant savings $3 off $10 Palmolive, Ajax, Suavitel, or Fabuloso
  • $3 off 36 count Palmolive Powerpacs 6/28/2021

Pay $4 + tax!

You can see more deals here:

Dollar General ALL DIGITAL coupon deals and matchups

Thank you, Roxie, for the heads up!

You can always hold out and wait for Saturday to include this in a $5 off $25 Saturday scenario, but sometimes the good deals are sold out by Saturday.

Happy shopping!